Cut Tari

June 8, 2010, Cut Tari stumble sideways with the circulation of news porn video looked like him and Ariel (Peterpan). According to experts, telecommunications, Abhimanyu Wachjoewidajat, 8 minutes video duration was recorded using a good quality HP about the period of 2006.

The circulation of pornographic videos like himself to make Dance career threatened. On the same day the Department of Marketing Public Relations TransTV, A. Hadiansyah Lopez, decided to rest INSERT Dance as a presenter and also other programs that are under TransCorp.

Dance also failed to host the event Gathering Note The Boy who planned to be brought along with Farhan for the case with Ariel Peterpan porn video.

On June 14, 2010, Dance to the call of the Police Criminal Investigation relating to the same case. Dance comes accompanied with her faithful husband, Joseph Subrata. In this examination, the artist bloody Aceh was examined as a witness.

His career as a star product advertising Pixy was over, with termination of employment and contracts with the Mandom Indonesia. Contract Dance supposed to end in September 2010, but due to the bitter news about him, dance must be willing to break his contract is accelerated.

After prolonged pressure from various parties, eventually Dance held a press conference on July 8, 2010. The core of this press conference is the apology dance for all the disturbing news of many parties. Although Dance apologized, but did not mention the truth about the perpetrators looked like him was a video nasty. A day later, through his lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea, Cut Tari admit that the woman in the video is indeed him.

Status of Dance as a suspect in this case was announced on July 9, 2010, but this status has been established since the previous week. Witnesses against him was for Ariel, which has long languished at Police Headquarters because of the status of suspects. Examination process continues to proceed relating to the manufacture and distribution of the videos.


Cut Dance or full Anasya Cut Tari Aminah, known as a presenter, actress and soap opera the big screen. Women born in Jakarta, November 1, 1977, Aceh has a bloodline from her father, Teuku Joesransjah.

Wedding Dance by Joseph Subrata which was held in 2004 increasingly crowded with the presence of a daughter. Beautiful baby named Sidney Azkassyah Joseph was born by Caesarean at a hospital in Jakarta on October 10, 2007.


Women are also familiarly called Lilly, the artist began his career in the world of electoral Cover Girl 1991. Starting from that, he was then a chance to star in ads a number of products, including cosmetics and Pixy Young teens in 1993.

Meanwhile, her debut in acting as a guest star on the comedy fairytale SKY solicitation star comedian, Harry De Fretes. Continues then bid on the show SIDE-SIDE WORLD (1993) with a role as a maid.

Until now the wife of Johannes Joseph Subrata, has starred in many soap operas, where the dominant role as an antagonist and fierce. Sinetron-sinetron include among others, TRAVEL, JASMINE, my prayers my hopes, BLUE CAFE, DEWI FORTUNA, LAMENT stepchildren and flattered.

After becoming a mother, Dance is still active in the entertainment world, but not as active as before. Now he more often appeared as a presenter at various events, such as bringing the show gossip INSERT.

In his work as presenter of infotainment, Dance managed to become champions in the arena of Panasonic Awards 2009 in Infotainment Presenter category.

Outstanding presenters in the world do not make dance forget his career in acting. He went back to play an active patron, RAINBOW, INTAN LOVE, LOVE FLOWERS and most recently the Hafizah (2009).

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