Katie Cleary sauntered down the beach

If you think it’s a bit excessive that a photo was snapped in concert with her every stride, I’d wager that you don’t have the slightest goddamn idea of what’s right and wrong in this world. And I’d like to slap you across the mouth for even thinking such abhorrent thoughts.

Er… sorry about that. I get real defensive of Katie here. Even if it’s just photographs of her in a locale which I’ll never set foot within a thousand miles of. It’s starting to be a real problem. Here, just don’t tell anyone I even said any of that. I could possibly get in trouble with “the law.” Tell you what, I’ll make it up to you by showing you the rest of these photos of her in a skimpy bluish bikini, buttcheeks shifting sequentially as she walks; first the left, then the right. I implore you, partake.

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